A new trans-media, eco-thriller, conceived and written by Grant Watson, directed by Helena Bell with US- and UK-based actors, Emma Gibson and Owen Oakeshott, streamed live, on-line on the Cloud Stage at The Lamellar Project.
Using a fictional narrative at its centre, The Lamellar Project (TLP) is an innovative, international performance project in which Tiny Dynamite will collaborate with UK based theatre company, Pursued By a Bear on a eco-thriller for UK, US and Internet audiences with live actors, live streaming and ‘real life’ scientists.
The Lamellar Project is gathering attention from UK media outlets and foundations. South Hill Park Live, an initial funder of the effort, assembled a video to highlight the Lamellar Project and its fit within the broader cultural efforts of South Hill Park Live: SHP Live and the Lamellar Project. . sagerainaos4.blogspot.com .