Page 4: name, but the work seems to suffice for her where the public acclaim she deserves cannot materialise. Have you visited our other sisters? Jane and her Bingley remain beloved fixtures of Derbyshire, caring for the former Stanhope estate far better than its profligate former master could. Her namesake, our niece Jane, has begun teaching at the school Lizzy and Fitzwilliam continue to host. I am certain she could use your help if it would bring you joy to give it. That is all we hope for you: that you may, even now, make a way for yourself to the joy that we, your sisters, have all found. Someone I admired very deeply introduced me to William Cowper when I was young. I never appreciated his poems, despite my friend’s most fervent efforts. Now, nearly 25 years gone, I have come round. I will offer you here a Cowper verse that has brought me strength, and that
by Meghan Winch | Jun 11, 2021