Page 2: new university has just relocated to Washington Square, not far from here. While women are not yet allowed to enroll, you would certainly meet all sorts of fascinating new people. You would start fresh. Pemberley is a beautiful home, but I always grieved having to leave London upon my brother’s insistence. I have loved these 15 years in a city again, full of life and noise and the whole spectrum of humanity. I do miss Derbyshire, of course! My visits home feed my soul, while my work here feeds my mind. The girls whose brains are entrusted to my care are exquisite: probing, insatiably curious, quick. Every year we take on more of them, and my only sorrow is that they all must one day leave us. But I know they do so as accomplished young women, by which I mean steady, brave, well-read, self-reliant, and with an absolute inability to suffer fools.
by Meghan Winch | Jun 11, 2021