Page 3: while you enjoy the Lake District! This enormous house had seemed almost a tomb, first from silence, then from heartbreak, then from care taken not to offend. To hear voices, doors opening and closing, teacups clinking, at any moment of the day is to feel alive again. Jane and Charles are positively aglow. They returned home swiftly and I hope I do not presume too far to yearn for news from Netherfield soon of a particularly delightful sort. Mary spends much of her day in the library making extracts, then favours us with a nightly recitation of some length. Your mother has complained of illness now and again, but please do not fret. It must be a fleeting condition, as she recovers in time for supper or cards. Kitty, I must say, is my most treasured companion of an entirely lovely group. She has sparked to life in
by Meghan Winch | Jun 2, 2021