Page 2: embrace a quiet life of needlework, pianoforte, and, I hope, a suitable match that will please you and Fitzwilliam both. Enough preamble: I write not to offend you with remembrances of my disobedience, but because I have a bit of social news, which I know you crave and which I hope will entice you to embrace me again. We have just had visitors — the Gardiners, and a young lady called Elizabeth Bennet. Are you acquainted? Her manners would please you, and I believe she would be a credit to the most respectable of families. She was perfectly lovely — witty, kind, and with a pair of eyes that made me long to pick up a paintbrush and capture them. I do believe, though, that there is one more captivated by her eyes than me. My brother could scarcely remove his from her face all the visit. I do believe I glimpsed the high spirits of Mamma,
by Meghan Winch | Jun 2, 2021