Page 1: Hello! I’m so glad you’re digging this analog life I’m going for; I make some tea, light a candle, and write you a letter like it’s 1812. I’ve been sewing and embroidering and playing piano too. Slap a bonnet on me and call me Kitty. Oh, speaking of old-timey pastimes! I found some lovely fabric scraps in Georgiana’s stuff and stitched up the coaster for you; it’s in the package. Next time you make yourself tea (or coffee, or a hot toddy [no judgment] – whatever, something hot!), use that coaster. It should give you a subtle sensory surprise. So, what do you think of this Georgiana character, huh? Wickham sounds like a real . . . well, word that it somehow feels wrong to write out long hand? I know you’re picking up what I’m putting down, and I do mean “putting down.” There’s always got to be a cad-type in a romcom, I guess, even a real-life one; maybe Wickham was just doing his job. I’m an expert here : I’ve been watching more than my fair share of romcoms, sweeping romances, tragic romances — my streaming algorithm right now is All Longing, All the Time. If Wickham was her Mr. Wrong, I really hope Georgiana’s got a Mr. Right in her future. I mean, maybe it’s not the most psychologically healthy way to organize one’s memories, but I’ve found myself thinking a lot about that while I make my 374th dinner-for-one. Who were my Mr. Wrongs? My Mr. Rights? Was I someone’s Wrong, someone’s Right, someone’s Right Who Got Away? Whose will I be in the future? I want to be, but the idea of getting back out there is. . . a lot. I think I’ll make it about 3 minutes on the apps again before my “computer dies” and my “phone number changes” and my cat “eats my Bumble profile.” Like, Sneezy the Bowler, right? Since our dads worked together, we’d see each other at all the company picnics, Christmas parties, etc., and (even despite the sneezes), it was always good to know another kid there, someone whose We’re Seeing The Boss, Behave, clothes were just as itchy as mine,
by Meghan Winch | Jun 2, 2021