Page 2: It’s just. . . that electric, shimmery feeling when you just start liking someone!! The way the air gets thick and hums! Do you remember the first time you felt that? The last? In her last deep-clean delivery, Mom dropped off my middle school diary (yes, I am considering lighting it on fire, why do you ask?) and during my deeply mortifying thumb-through I remembered : HIS – I mean, Sneezy the Bowler – was my first crush (or real-life one, anyway). One time, after he flirt-sneezed at me, he dropped a note at my feet. It was one of those classic “Will you be my girlfriend, circle yes no or maybe” situations. And at first I laughed, but the more I thought about it the more I thought that it was nice how he always helped the smaller kids pick out the right ball, and how he always let the person in the next lane bowl first, and how my dad’s office parties got a little more sparkly and less suffocating when he was there to run around and get shushed with. I started to think he might be a nice first boyfriend, and the air got thick and humming around me. But before I could answer, he ran over and snatched the paper away, yelling “THIS isn’t for YOU” all red-faced. My first heartbreak, before I had time to really enjoy the good stuff. And now. . . well. Anyway. I’m glad for her, is what I’m saying. For Georgiana, and also for whoever HIS gave the letter to. What I wouldn’t give for a little crush right now, even an immature one. I’ve started making eyes at the Quaker Oats guy; it’s dire here. This took a maudlin turn. There’s only one cure : treasure hunt for more tassels! Love your face, whenever I see it again, Gemma
by Meghan Winch | Jun 2, 2021