Page 2: 178th time, Lilian suggested we do it over Zoom. I know, I said what I said re: screens; I got outvoted and here we are. I’ll soldier through it if it means we can eat too many scones and toast some oolong together, finally. We can also show off the finished crafting projects I’ll send along. Invitation enclosed, on PAPER, because I needed one win here and this was it. I’ve been thinking a lot about the Before Times, where we could spontaneously be like “Hey, let’s go get a drink” and split a pitcher and share fries out of the same basket and not think twice about it. Or when kids could just breathe their kid germs all over each other with abandon. When I was a kid I was in this bowling league with my dad’s coworker’s kid, and he would fake sneeze in my face all the time. I didn’t love it then, but now? I’d run screaming and hide under my bed for 14 days. My mom always said that meant he liked me, but that is . . . not the kind of courtship I think we should be encouraging amongst our young gentlemen. Patriarchy, right? Anyway. Not sure why Sneezy the Bowler was where my brain went, but here we are. I’m going to go back to trying to master this family scone recipe (enclosed for you too; let me know if you do any practice runs before the party!). And have fun with Aunt Georgiana! Love you MISS YOU, Gemma
by Meghan Winch | Feb 24, 2022