Page 1: February 18, 2022 Hey friend! Listen. It was so good to be temporarily live and in person, but now I’m back to remote teaching and remote happy houring and remote board gaming and then this week I ALSO had remote book club, and I cannot do it again. I cannot look at another screen for one more minute. Can’t, won’t, shan’t. Contemplating renting a boat and dropping my computer into the exact center of the sea. Hence the long-hand here. Anyway. I hope you’re doing okay, or whatever “okay” looks like right now. OK, so, Thing 1: My mom’s been keeping herself busy with some next-level cleaning, and I’m 75% sure the main reason she’s glad I’ve moved back to town is so she can move stuff out of her house and into mine. Normally it’s stuff like my second-grade math quizzes and an alarming collection of MASH games I apparently kept under my bed. But last week, she dropped off a package with a bunch of letters and scraps and things from our great-great-great-etc. aunt Georgiana. Have I ever told you about her? Bit of a family legend. She was from a super wealthy English family back in the Regency (ahem, the period between 1795-1837 – it’s the teacher in me!) then just picked up and moved here in her twenties to run a school. So! I thought you’d dig them too. I’m going to send the letters and some trinkets along to you as I go through them. I may also send some light crafting projects to keep us busy while we wait for normal. Or “normal,” anyway. I’ve enclosed the first letter (hold onto your bonnet, it’s a SCANDAL!), along with a little painting-slash-research project I did on my own after reading it. I hope this is fun for you! It is for me, so . . . sorry not sorry for roping you into it! Thing 2: I kept hoping we’d be able to keep our re-re-re-rescheduled 7th Annual Best-Teas Party on the books, but that’s not looking likely. Rather than rescheduling for the
by Meghan Winch | Feb 24, 2022