Page 2: It’s confusing. Granted I’ve only been to one meeting so far. They had to check me out first. I told them the only family I had was Nana and you and y’all were miles away. I told them I was a decent cook for myself and a moderate cook for others (the men didn’t laugh but some of the girls did.) I think they were trying to make sure that if something were to happen to me, the white folks wouldn’t go find my family too easily. And that they could find you and tell you. Josie. Breathe. Nothin is gonna happen to me. Anyway, the group’s new name is The Hundred and One. Fred wasn’t there. He has the actual Panthers to worry about. But, he dropped off a letter for the newcomers. Josie, I know we heard about it on the news, but to hear it in his own words was a different thing. It was a special thing. Cops, angry, violent, white cops shot one hundred bullets into his apartment. And they all missed. Somehow, by magic or god or somethin. They all missed. And then Fred shot one bullet, up in the air. He explained in his letter that he still don’t know why he did it. It was like some outside force protected him that night and he fired off a warning shot to let them folks know the force could do more than just protect. And the cops listened. Those boys in blue packed up and left, shaken in their shoes. I still don’t think I’d believe it
by Meghan Winch | Mar 1, 2021